Varaždin is the first city in Croatia that can boast the title of UNESCO City of Music. This great success represents the culmination of many years of efforts and dedication of the City of Varaždin in promoting musical culture and heritage, but also an incentive for the further development of Varaždin as a center of musical excellence.

UNESCO City of Music

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Legend has it that the composer Emmerich Kalman met a certain countess named Marica in Varaždin after whom he not only named his famous operetta, but also dedicated to Varaždin the most famous song from that part “Komm mit nach Varaždin”. In addition to delighting audiences around the world for decades, his anthology operetta made Varaždin, a city that has always been an inspiration to artists, famous. Many musicians sought and found inspiration in it, each in their own time shaping the city’s culture and building a rich musical heritage of which Varaždin is proud.


It is the hometown of guitar virtuoso and composer Ivan Padovac, who is world-famous for his invention – the ten-string guitar.

Today, the Varaždin music chest preserves priceless musical treasures, from the Music School, which is one of the oldest and most respected educational institutions in Croatia and where world-renowned masters have grown, to famous musicians, successful choirs, Folklore Societies and ensembles, active musical associations , builders of musical instruments, international music competitions all the way to cultural music events, concerts of all genres and well-known festivals with a long tradition. In addition to architecture, the baroque legacy of Varaždin is rooted in music, which has been promoted for more than half a century by the Varaždin Baroque Evenings, one of the most prominent festivals in the world of such type. Today, the most recognizable brand of Varaždin is Špancirfest, the most famous Croatian street festival, which at the end of summer turns the streets and squares into the center of music, art and entertainment.

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Varaždin lives music all year round, offering a variety of genres and musical content, innovative projects and opportunities to enjoy music such as music on the balconies, a musical-instrumental program on the organ in the Varaždin cathedral or a musical camper, an innovative music box on wheels that provides a special experience on the main town square. It is especially lively in Varaždin on Saturday mornings from May to September, when most of these events are held, which completely enliven the streets of Varaždin with the sound of music.

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