Fest der Varaždiner Innenhöfe
Was verbirgt sich hinter den Mauern der Altstadt von Varaždin? Das Wochenende Mitte Juni eröffnet attraktive Räume, die das ganze Jahr über der Öffentlichkeit nicht zugänglich sind, und macht sie zu einer hervorragenden Plattform für lokale Produzenten, Künstler, Schöpfer und andere Kreative, um ihre Produkte und Werke zu präsentieren.
Geheimnisvolle Varaždiner Innenhöfe, die nur ihre Besitzer kennen, werden mit diesem Festival allen Besuchern zugänglich gemacht, die die Möglichkeit haben, einen Blick in wunderschöne, versteckte Ecken im Herzen der Stadt zu werfen, von denen jeder seine eigene Geschichte erzählt und Authentizität und Originalinhalt zum touristischen Angebot der Stadt verleiht.
Unveiling the Hidden Gems of the Courtyards of the North
In the heart of northern Croatia, the project „Courtyards of the North: Unveiling Hidden Gems“ was born. Bringing together the tourist boards of Varaždin, Varaždinske Toplice, Novi Marof, and „The Center of the World“ area, this project introduced a new dimension to cultural tourism, breathing life into 22 unique courtyards and their rich heritage.
From June to November 2024, northern Croatia became a stage for numerous events, including educational tours, creative workshops, and various cultural programs that attracted a wide audience, from locals to tourists. The project was designed based on the principles of sustainable tourism, actively involving the local community in preserving cultural identity. Activities in Varaždin, Varaždinske Toplice, Trnove, Ludbreg, and Novi Marof, each with its unique story and value, revived and promoted the distinctive cultural heritage of northern Croatia’s courtyards.
Thus, a new tourist product was created, enriching the regional tourism offer and generating lasting value for the local community. By bridging the past and present, the project tells a story of heritage that continues to thrive in the heart of northern Croatia.
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